We offer a wide range of services in educational assessment, including workshops, item and task design, rubric development, and item analysis.
At this time most of our work is done for large organizations such as the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Education. However, we may accept bids from clusters of schools or school districts. Let us help you take your educational assessment practice into the 21st century.
We have extensive expertise in item writing and task/rubric development.
Using performance/formative assessment is one of our focal areas and in line with the new primary school curriculum our focus is on conitively challenging integrated assessments. We can work with your cluster of schools to show how to develop integrated assessments, embed 21st century skills and develop appropriate rubrics.
Our formative assessment workshops are very advanaced and now include a consideration of learning progressions and detailed exploration of formative feedback as a tool.
We currently offer diagnostic assessments in reading-particularly the WRMT-III from Pearson. We can also offer other diagnostic assessments depending on our client needs. Some assessments can be delivered across computers.
We currently conduct the standard setting workshops for the Trinidad and Tobago National Tests at Standards 1 and 3.
Publications on educational assessment
(Recent Peer Reviewed)
De Lisle, J. (2009). External examinations beyond national borders –Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean Examinations Council. In: Barend Vlaardingerbroek & Neil Taylor (Eds.). Secondary School External Examination Systems - Reliability, Robustness and Resilience (pp. 265-290). New York: Cambria Press.
De Lisle, J & McMillan-Solomon, S. (2015). Using multiple methods to investigate eleven year-olds’ experiences of preparing for a high-stakes public examination in Trinidad and Tobago. Education 3-13. International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. Online before Print http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2015.1095778
De Lisle, J. (2015). The promise and reality of formative assessment practice in a continuous assessment scheme: the case of Trinidad and Tobago, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 22(1), 79-103. doi: 10.1080/0969594X.2014.944086
De Lisle, J. (2012). Secondary school entrance examinations in the Caribbean: Legacy, policy, and evidence within an era of seamless education. Caribbean Curriculum, 19, 109-143
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